Tuesday, April 3, 2012

St Louis to Columbia via Suicide Bridge and the Katy Trail

A few photos from a two day bike trip from Dogtown STL to Columbia Mo.  
The trip started with us getting lost while I was giving a lecture on the abomination of urban sprawl. 
Then we almost died crossing the I-64 bridge, before getting a police escort. 
Josh K and I failed to make it all the way due to lack of planning, many a flat tires, the slowness of biking on gravel, and a few stops in local taverns that lasted a bit long.  We biked 130 miles total and then had a great time eating and shuffleboarding with the Kendagors and Dr. Haul Pansen. A, massively successful, failed trip.  

Josh K. did the whole trip sweating profusely on a single speed bike, that was prepped for the apocalypse, while wearing a tie. 

 Defiance Missouri

 Missouri River from the makeshift camping spot.

 Hobo-breakfast in Herman Missouri

 Reaching 100 miles

Admitting defeat in Mokane after I ran out of spare tubes
